
  • Are you concerned about your child’s mood or behavior?

    Early warning signs of a psychiatric disorder should not be ignored. If your youngster is exhibiting disturbing behaviors (for example, aggression, suicidality, hallucinations, or severe mood swings), assessment can assist you in understanding your child’s condition and finding the right help.

  • Is your child easily distracted, disorganized and restless?

    If your kid is having a harder time than others following instructions or staying focused, it may be time to get an evaluation. The right interventions will have a positive effect on his ability to succeed.

  • Does your child struggle in school?

    Is your child confused about homework? Are her grades dropping? Is her teacher concerned? If you recognize these struggles, your child may have a learning, cognitive or attentional disorder. An evaluation can help identify strengths and weaknesses so she can succeed.

  • Is a psychological condition affecting you at work or school?

    Mental illness, learning disabilities, AD/HD, medical problems, or substance abuse are only some of the difficulties that can have negative effects such as poor concentration, problematic interpersonal skills, poor time management, or coping deficits, among others. If your inability to manage your responsibilities or accomplish various life tasks is in jeopardy, it may be time to consider an evaluation.

My assessments will attempt to answer questions concerning strengths and challenges in various areas of an individual’s functioning, and the impact of these on the individual’s performance in and outside of school and/or the workplace. 

The assessment process generally involves some or all of the following: 

  • An initial clinical interview and developmental history, checklists and other clinical forms, administration of multiple standardized tests, review of records, classroom observation, phone consultations with teachers and/or other service providers, and a written report. 

  • Multiple areas are assessed, depending on the current concern: intellectual functioning, memory, attention and executive functioning, academic achievement, language, processing speed, and social and/or emotional functioning.

  • Feedback sessions are conducted to discuss the findings and individualize recommendations for remediation/intervention.

Evaluations are available for individuals ages 5 through adulthood. 

An assessment can take between two and four appointments, for a total of 4 to 8 hours, depending on the examinee’s energy level and ability to sustain concentration.  Assessments with children are preferably done in the morning, as they tend to tire toward the end of the day.

Various types of evaluations are offered:

  • A psychological evaluation consists of a comprehensive interview, rating scales and appropriate standardized testing to obtain specific information about intelligence and personality/emotional functioning.

  • A brief Learning Disability or AD/HD screening is a low cost alternative, but not sufficient for those requesting accommodations on high stakes tests such as the GRE or LSAT.  It may not be sufficient for eligibility for special education services with an IEP, but may be sufficient for a 504 plan.

  • A psychoeducational evaluation consists of a comprehensive interview, rating scales and appropriate standardized testing to obtain specific information about intelligence, academic achievement and personality/emotional functioning.

  • A neuropsychological evaluation includes more extensive neurocognitive, social/emotional and achievement batteries. The report is either a 2- to 3-page summary of results and recommendations, or a longer report which also details the tests, test clusters, medical/developmental history and symptom reporting. The full report will usually satisfy most colleges and testing organizations. In addition, a detailed analysis of the strengths and weaknesses is presented which is necessary in order to gain accommodations for school or many standardized test situations.

Executive Skills Assessment & Training:

Executive function and study skills are essential for academic success, particularly for students with learning or other neurodevelopmental disorders. Students of all ages can learn strategies they will take with them through a lifetime of learning. I carry out one-on-one training after an extensive interview and evaluation of skills are conducted. Skill training can include any or all of the following: time management; organization and goal orientation; test preparation; note-taking skills; strategies for sustaining focused attention; strategies for being a more active learner; strategies to improve comprehension; improving study habits; and working memory builders.

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